建物の外壁断熱材は,建物のエネルギー消費量を削減すると同時に,一連の問題をもたらしています。その中でも,最も重要な火災の危険性は建物の外壁断熱材であり,有機断熱材は燃えやすいです。有機断熱材を使用した建物の外壁断熱システムは,火災が発生した場合に火が建物全体に急速に燃え広がりやすくなります。そのため,建物の外壁断熱材の燃焼挙動を検出する必要があります。建物の外壁断熱材の燃焼性能をテストする方法は何ですか?建築外壁断熱材の燃焼性能試験装置The burning behavior test of building exterior wall insulation materials uses the building material burning thermal value test apparatus and the building material product Single Burning Item test machine (SBI) to conduct experimental research on the burning performance of commonly used thermal insulation materials. The test instrument for the thermal value of burning of building materials is shown in Figure 1, which is mainly used to measure the thermal value of burning of building materials. The thermal value of burning is the energy released by the complete burning of 1 kg of material. It is a characteristic of the material and has nothing to do with the use state or size of the material. It is often used to evaluate the potential fire load of building materials. The single burning item test equipment of building material products is shown in Figure 2, which can obtain the propagation on the long wing of the sample during the burning process of the sample(LFS), the burning growth rate index(FIGRA), the heat release rate within 600s(THP), the smoke